Cockpit 314
Cockpit Project

Cockpit 314

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly. Here are the release notes from Cockpit 314 and cockpit-ostree 201: Diagnostic reports: Fix command injection vulnerability with crafted report names Cockpit 270 introduced a…

Cockpit 311
Cockpit Project

Cockpit 311

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly. Here are the release notes from cockpit-machines 307: Machines: Replace SPICE for multiple machines “Replace SPICE devices” was introduced in Cockpit 310 to adjust VMs…

Cockpit 310
Cockpit Project

Cockpit 310

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly. Here are the release notes from Cockpit 310 and cockpit-machines 306: Storage: Create btrfs filesystems and subvolumes Cockpit’s Storage page continues to support more btrfs…

Cockpit 309
Cockpit Project

Cockpit 309

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly. Here are the release notes from Cockpit 309, cockpit-machines 305, cockpit-podman 83, and cockpit-ostree 199: Initial Btrfs support Cockpit now supports showing and mounting Btrfs…

Cockpit 307
Cockpit Project

Cockpit 307

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly. Here are the release notes from Cockpit 307: Storage redesign The Storage page has been redesigned with the goal of making more things visible in…

Cockpit 306
Cockpit Project

Cockpit 306

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly. Here are the release notes from Cockpit 306, cockpit-machines 303, cockpit-podman 82, and cockpit-ostree 198.1: Kdump: Add Ansible/shell automation The Kdump page can generate an…

Cockpit 304
Cockpit Project

Cockpit 304

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly. Here are the release notes from Cockpit 304: Storage: Support for RAID layouts with LVM2 On recent operating systems such as Fedora 39, Cockpit can…

Cockpit 303
Cockpit Project

Cockpit 303

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly. Here are the release notes from Cockpit 303 and cockpit-machines 300: Apps: Detect missing AppStream metadata If the AppStream metadata is not installed, the “Apps”…

Cockpit 302
Cockpit Project

Cockpit 302

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly. Here are the release notes from Cockpit 302 and cockpit-podman 78: Storage: Partitions can be resized Cockpit can now also resize partitions, including their content…

Cockpit 301
Cockpit Project

Cockpit 301

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly. Here are the release notes from Cockpit 301: Metrics: Link to network interface details The interface names in the current network I/O card are now…